Nineteen days after my web site disappeared into a black hole, I have managed to escape the “event horizon”. Maybe this story will be helpful to some of you.
In 2013, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) published an updated Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) that included an email verification requirement. Dotster, the service I use for registering my domain name, seems to only have implemented this in the last year.
Here’s the problem. I closed my old email account that I had registered with this domain. So no verification emails ever came through to me when it came time to renew the domain name. No worries, you say, just change the email address of record. Can do, online, no less. However, before that can take effect, Dotster is required to – you guessed it – verify the legitimacy of this by sending an email for verification.
I ultimately learned that if I sent a copy of my Driver’s License to a special Compliance Group at Dotster, I gained their blessing and my domain was again open to the world.
So if any of you were wondering why you couldn’t find - and no doubt losing significant amounts of sleep over the matter – you may now rest assured.
You’re welcome.